You Are the Piece That Holds Us Together Personalized Mum Puzzle Plaque Mother's Day Gift


For the romance and pampering of this life, you need to leave a copy of your mother. On the occasion of Mother's Day, send mum a plaque with kids' names puzzle sign. And proudly proclaim "You Are The Piece That Holds Us Together" to mum. This gift touches your mother or wife more than any promise and will make her happy like a child.

Personalized picture frames for home decor can be customized with multiple names, click the Customize button, enter the name at the top of the sign, and the family member's name. (Customize the names of up to 7 family members) Then you can wait for the surprise to arrive!

Material: Wood Size: 9.84in x 9.84in / 25cm x 25cm

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